Russian Belarusian
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  • Russian Belarusian

31 Mar 2021 г.
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Belarus is a country where representatives of different nationalities, religions and cultures for many centuries have lived side by side. Tolerance is a feature of our national character.

On March 31, 2021, under the sign of the national unity in Belarusian State Academy of Aviation held the event with the elements of training "Tolerance - friendship of nations". The event was organized by teacher-psychologist Larisa Sazonova and curators of study groups У120 and M120 - Tatyana Boyko and Olga Poletaeva.

The event began with the opening speech of vice-rector for educational work Igor Yatskevich, in which he opened the concept of the word "unity". The hosts of the event - cadets Valeria Sadokha and Maxim Shevelev - also revealed the theme of the event and told how important the friendship of nations is. Then cadets of different nationalities presented their country, making presentations about the customs, traditions, culture, etc. Countries that were represented at the event: Belarus, the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Africa, Cote d'Ivoire, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan.

At the end of the event cadets tasted dishes of national cuisine prepared in a friendly atmosphere and took photos to memory.

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specialists of the Department of Educational Work with Youth

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