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  • Russian Belarusian

25 Jan 2022 г.
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On 25 January the first meeting of the new year of the Wings of Inspiration literary club took place. It was dedicated to the work of Anton Chekhov. This time the participants could test their knowledge by reincarnating as players in an intellectual and literary competition based on the "What? Where? When?" game and answering difficult questions from the presenters.

For each correct answer, the player received a stamp depicting the writer. Based on the number of points received, a winner was decided who would play the super game.

It was interesting to observe how participants were thrilled by the excitement and competitive spirit, and how polemics flared up as they discussed their answers to the questions.

In the end, Olga Vareiko, Sergey Dayneko and Olga Kozlova were declared the winners of the quiz. The super game was won by Olga Vareiko. We congratulate our winners!

The evening brought a lot of positive emotions. The next meeting will be held on February 22nd. Come and join us!

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Информация подготовлена:
librarian Elena KOVAKO

Форма авторизации