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церемония вручения дипломов об окончании II ступени высшего образования (магистратуры)
Master's graduation - 2022
The graduation ceremony for the second cycle of higher education (Master's Degree) took place on 28 January.
РЦОП по зимним видам спорта «Раубичи»
Among the best in the ski relay race
The annual championship of military establishments and faculties of the Minsk garrison in the 4×2.5km relay ski race was held on January 27, 2022 at the "Raubichi" base.

Делегация Межгосударственного авиационного комитета в академии авиации
Visit by a delegation from the Interstate Aviation Committee
On 26 January 2022, a delegation from the Interstate Aviation Committee paid a working visit to BSAA.
Защита магистерских диссертаций1
Master thesis defense
On 26 January, BSAA hosted the defence of theses by second-stage higher education students.
Средняя школа № 46 г. Минска
BSAA staff meeting with pupils' parents
In January, BSAA staff participated in a parents' meeting of the state educational establishment "Secondary School No. 46 in Minsk".
Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет гражданской авиации
St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation - Belarusian State Academy of Aviation - integration in education and research
On 25 January 2022, an online meeting was held between representatives of the St Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation and the Belarusian State Academy of Aviation.

Встреча, посвященная творчеству А. П. Чехова
Meeting dedicated to the work of Anton Chekhov
On 25 January the first meeting of the new year of the Wings of Inspiration literary club took place. It was dedicated to the work of Anton Chekhov.
II place in the district review-competition for the best dormitory
On January 21, in the administration of the Zavodsky district of Minsk, the results of the district review competition for the best dormitory were summed up, where BSAA took the prize.
Get to know the academy online
On 20 January 2022 an Open Day was held online for 11th grade students and teachers of the state educational establishment "Zaslavl secondary school № 2 named after M. K. Putejko".
Announcement: Literature Club Meeting
Come and meet Chekhov on 25 January at 16.00 in the reading room of the BSAA library.
Dialogue on the qualities of a successful leader
Alexei Kubrin, Deputy State Secretary of the Union State, paid a working visit to BSAA on 20 January and held an open dialogue with his participation.
Head of Department of Aviation about the peculiarities of aviation logistics
On 19 January, the Aviation Academy hosted a lecture by the Director of the Department of Aviation of the Republic of Belarus on aviation logistics.
New issue of Aviation Herald
A new issue of the scientific and practical magazine Aviation Herald, reflecting the latest achievements and solutions to the practical and theoretical problems of aviation in our country, has been published, now in its fifth year.
Discussion of draft amendments to the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus
On 14 December, an online meeting was held with Zelenko, deputy head of the Zavodsky district administration in Minsk, attended by representatives of the BSAA.
Magic mood!
Magic mood!
On 23 December, on New Year's Eve, the Specialised Secondary Education Department held a curatorial meeting with the groups' curators on the theme "Let's give a magical mood".
Ensuring a safe and secure environment at the educational establishment
Ensuring a safe and secure environment at the educational establishment
On 23 December 2021, academy staff participated in an online training seminar on "Ensuring safe conditions in higher education establishments: prevention of illegal behaviour", organised by the State Educational Institution "Republican Institute for Higher Education".
Roundtable discussion on living conditions in a dormitory
Roundtable discussion on living conditions in a dormitory
On December 23, 2021 in the reading room of the library was held the round table "Information-educational work and creation of living conditions for safe accommodation of cadets in BSAA dorms".
New Year's Eve meeting of the literature club
New Year's Eve meeting of the literature club
21 декабря в библиотеке БГАА в тёплой и душевной атмосфере прошла встреча литературного кружка. На этот раз курсанты и сотрудники продекламировали стихотворения и рассказы на зимнюю тематику собственного сочинения!
Meeting of the Academy Cadet Council
Meeting of the Academy Cadet Council
A meeting of the Academy Cadet Council (ACC) was held on 21 December. At the meeting, the leaders of cadet self-government learned how the potential of cadets is successfully realised in socially significant projects.
On certification of training, retraining and professional development of CA flight personnel
On certification of training, retraining and professional development of CA flight personnel
On 20 December 2021 a working meeting was held between representatives of the Aviation Department of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus, the State Aviation Inspectorate and the staff of the Belarusian State Academy of Aviation.
Aviation academy has been issued a certificate of conformity
Aviation academy has been issued a certificate of conformity
The Belarusian State Institute for Standardization and Certification conducted a periodic assessment of the BSAA QMS for compliance with the requirements of STB ISO 9001-2015, ISO 9001-2015 and issued a certificate of conformity .
Scientific events December 2021
Scientific events December 2021
Several scientific events took place in Minsk in December with the participation of the staff of the research laboratory of the Belarusian State Academy of Aviation.
Creating New Year's cheer together
Creating New Year's cheer together
In this wonderful time before the New Year, we invite all cadets and academy staff to take part in the activities to be held in the library.
Republican Christmas Armwrestling Tournament
Republican Christmas Armwrestling Tournament
The 10th Republican Christmas Armwrestling Tournament was held on 18 December 2021 in the sports arena of BSAA, organized by the Belarusian Federation of Armwrestling together with the Zavodsky District Committee of "BRSM" in Minsk and the Department of Physical Education and Sports of the Academy.
First Open Day in 2021/2022 academic year
First Open Doors Day in 2021/2022 academic year
On 18 December, the first Open Doors Day of this academic year was held at the Belarusian State Academy of Aviation. More than 400 people came to the educational establishment to visit BSAA, learn about the peculiarities of the admission campaign and directly communicate with the cadets.
"100 Ideas for Belarus"
Drones - to fight infestation. A cadet won the regional stage of "100 Ideas for Belarus"
A cadet of the academy has won the regional round of the national youth innovation project "100 Ideas for Belarus" in the category "Agro-industrial technologies and farming.
"Wings of Inspiration" literary club
Come to the pre-New Year's Eve meeting of the Literature Club
All book lovers are invited to a meeting of the "Wings of Inspiration" literary club.
Cadets study the psychology of communication
Cadets study the psychology of communication
In December, as part of the project "Vocational guidance. Adaptation. Self-actualisation", the Youth Education Department psychologist conducted a series of training sessions on the psychology of communication for first-year cadets
The series 'Conflict. Steps to Overcome" is completed.
The series 'Conflict. Steps to Overcome" is completed.
The third cycle of training sessions "Conflict. Steps to Overcome" for first year cadets of the Civil Aviation Faculty completed.
Students from Baranovichi visit BSAA
Students from Baranovichi visit BSAA
On 17 December, pupils of secondary school No. 10 in Baranovichi had an unusual day: they visited the Belarusian State Academy of Aviation. The pupils had a full and interesting program.
One information day. December
One information day. December
In December, a unified information day is held on the theme: "The Constitution of the Republic of Belarus - the political and legal foundation of the unity of the people and their social security".
Reporting meeting of the primary trade union organization
Reporting meeting of the primary trade union organization
A report meeting of the primary trade union organisation of the Belarusian State Academy of Aviation was held.
Class on "Multichannel radio communications"
Class on "Multichannel radio communications"
On 16 December, the Department of Specialised Secondary Education held an interactive technology session on multichannel radio communications as part of the training programme in the study group.
International Tea Day quiz results
International Tea Day quiz results
The International Tea Day quiz has come to an end. In honour of this interesting celebration, the library held a competition with questions on "Tea in the pages of literature".
Results of the national competition for innovative projects
Results of the national competition for innovative projects
On 15 December in Minsk, the results of the Republican Competition for Innovation Projects were summed up. This year 145 participants applied for the contest, but only 36 of them became finalists. Among this number is a cadet from the Belarusian State Academy of Aviation.
Another visit to BSAA by a representative of the Department for Citizenship and Migration of Zavodsky District of Minsk
Another visit to BSAA by a representative of the Department for Citizenship and Migration of Zavodsky District of Minsk
On 15 December a meeting was organised between foreign cadets, preparatory course students and a representative of the Zavodsky district administration of Minsk.

Форма авторизации