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  • Russian Belarusian

10 Jun 2021 г.
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The academic year is coming to the end. Library of BSAA wishes successful passing of the session to all cadets, after which - long-awaited vacations. Summer is an ideal time when there are many opportunities for leisurely reading, when you can mix business with pleasure, discovering an interesting book.

To help you find the very book that will decorate your vacation, the library has prepared an electronic presentation with a checklist of books (you can download it in the "Library" section on the official BSAA website or in the reading room). The review includes the best bestselling books of different genres: non-fiction, fascinating detectives, magical adventures, mystery novels, and much more.

From June 9 to June 30, the library is carried out the "Book on Vacation" Challenge. The Book Challenge lies in the fact that a participant makes a promise to read a book at random over the summer. All books are publicly available online. It's a challenge to make daring book discoveries and expand your reading horizons. Also, under the hashtag #books_bgaa_2021 on Instagram, you can leave a review of the book you read. The best review will receive a gift from the library. The results of the book challenge will be announced on September 1. Spend your holiday with benefit!

Library of BSAA invites cadets and staff of the Academy to participate in the Challenge. Your book for the summer is already waiting for you!

Информация подготовлена:
Anna Reut, librarian

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