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  • Russian Belarusian

10 Jun 2021 г.
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On June 10, 2021 Belarusian State Academy of Aviation took part in the press conference of Press-Center of Press House, where the organization of the centralized testing and enrollment campaign in Belarus was discussed.

According to the theme of the press-conference the speakers in their reports touched upon a wide range of questions which promoted comprehensive understanding (by the applicants and their parents) of all nuances of the entrance campaign 2021. Thus, the features of centralized testing, plans, timing and the plan and procedure of admission to educational establishments in the country as a whole were voiced. In particular the speakers told about the admission campaign in Belarusian State University, Belarusian National Technical University, "The College of Modern Technologies in Mechanical Engineering and Auto Service", Minsk State Professional Lyceum ¹ 5 of the Transport Construction.

Consultant of the department of higher education of the main department of professional education of the Ministry of Education Remma Petrovna Gerlovskaya said that during the admission campaign 2021 there will be admission for more than 20 new specialties, four of which are absolutely unique for the Republic of Belarus. Among the latter is such specialty, as "Flying Maintenance of Civil Aviation Aircrafts," which applicants can master, if they enter BSAA.

During the online presentation Vice-rector on educational work Igor G. Yatskevich noted the importance of the fact that the Academy will train pilots of civil aviation, "This decision is of fundamental importance from the point of view of ensuring the sovereignty of our country, national security. It was taken at the governmental level - we are implementing the proposal of the Council of Ministers, supported by the Head of State.

Igor G. told about the admission procedure for this specialty: the entrant needs to provide certificates of the CT in Russian or Belarusian language, mathematics, and English, undergo medical examination and test the level of physical fitness. Summing up, he stressed: this is the beginning of the history of the national school of pilot training.

There are many ways and opportunities open to applicants, and one of the ways is, undoubtedly, training at Belarusian State Academy of Aviation.

Информация подготовлена:
Press Office of BSAA

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