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14 Jun 2021 г.
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On May 14, 2021 on the basis of the educational institution "Gymnasium № 14 of Minsk" held a competition among sanitarian teams and sanitary units of economic entities of Zavodskoy district of Minsk.

In the competition participated sanitary units from "Minsktrans" branch "Bus Park № 6", JSC "Macrodor", UE "Ecores", JSC "Zavodskoy raypischetorg", JSC "Belbakaleya", BSAA, DSU № 43 JSC "CMT № 8".

Every year BSAA is in the top three sanitary units, demonstrating a decent training in first aid to victims. And this year - under the direction of the Chief of Civil Defense Staff Alexander T. Kucherov, a combined team of cadets of the 3rd year of the Faculty of Civil Aviation and the Military Faculty of BSAA took a prize-winning third place. The team consisted of:

Dmitry A. Gavrilyuk;

Gleb V. Birich;

Andrey V. Pranyuk;

Anton A. Danilov;

Danil F. Zemchenok;

Daniil S. Disko;

Andrey V. Bratusenko;

Andrey V. Polyakov.

Zavodskoy district organization of the Belarusian Red Cross Society sent a letter of thanks to our team. Congratulations!

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