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  • Russian Belarusian

24 Jun 2021 г.
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On June 24th, in the Year of National Unity and within the framework of the Week of Youth volunteers of BSAA Angelina Shkudun, Veronika Krivosheya, Denis Krachkovsky and tutor of the Department of educational work with youth Irina S. Yakimovich took part in putting in order the military burial №5840 (mass grave) at Chizhovskoye cemetery. They laid flowers on the tomb where 47 Soviet citizens, brutally tortured by fascist invaders, are buried.

Despite the sunny days in Minsk, the cadets, who have a deep respect for the people buried there, were satisfied with their work and went off to prepare for their upcoming exams with a sense of accomplishment.


Задохнулись канонады,
В мире тишина,
На большой земле однажды
Кончилась война.
Будем жить, встречать рассветы,
Верить и любить.
Только не забыть бы это,
Не забыть бы это,
Лишь бы не забыть!

As long as we remember, we live.

Информация подготовлена:
Department of Educational Work with Youth

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