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  • Russian Belarusian

25 Jun 2021 г.
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Belarusian State Academy of Aviation is actively preparing for the admission campaign for the first stage of higher education.

Even before the terms of the admission campaign professional selection is held. It determines the degree of applicants' suitability for training and further professional activity in the specialties (specializations) for civil aviation.

The professional selection includes the following steps:

  • medical examination;
  • professional-psychological interviewing to figure out the applicants' personal and business qualities and motivation for studying the civil aviation specialties (specializations);
  • for admission to the new specialty of the first stage of higher education 1-37 04 04 "Flying Maintenance of Aircraft of Civil Aviation" future applicants must pass additional tests to determine the level of physical preparation. The entrance examination program includes three control exercises that characterize strength, speed and endurance. The results of the exercises are determined by the level of physical preparation of the applicant.

We remind you that the next test day is July 19, 2021.

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