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18 Aug 2021 г.
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On August,18 a working online meeting of the Academy management with Vice-Rector for International Cooperation of Tashkent State Transport University (TSTU) Baxodir Xatamovich Turayev  was held.

Belarusian State Academy of Aviation was represented by Anna A. Zhukova, Vice-rector for scientific work , Tatyana I. Kozhemyakina, Head of educational-methodical department , Zahar V. Masharsky, Dean of the Faculty of civil aviation,Anatoly G. Staranovich, Vice-dean for educational and scientific work of the Faculty of civil aviation and Alina V. Goncharova, Head of the department of international relations .

At the meeting were discussed issues on signing of the Agreement on the implementation of joint educational programs to prepare specialists with higher education of the first stage of full-time education in the format of "2 +2" (4 years). In particular, they discussed objective conditions for establishing a joint faculty of BSAA-TSTU, the list of specialties for the implementation of joint educational programs.

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Department of International Relations

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