Russian Belarusian
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  • Russian Belarusian

23 Aug 2021 г.
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On the threshold of the new academic year the library of BSAA enlarged its fund with new books.

There are books from “RIHS” publishing company on various branches of knowledge:

1) Burakova, M. U. Belarusian Language. Thechnical Terminology.

The textbook contains theoretical material, practical tasks, technical texts for translation from Russian into Belarusian, a brief Russian-Belarusian dictionary of technical terms, tables on orthography and morphology, self-tests.

2) Zelenkov, A. I. Philosophy.

The textbook deals with the main problems of philosophy as an academic discipline, provides definitions of basic concepts and categories, reveals the conceptual features of philosophical knowledge in its historical and system-theoretical interpretation, contains tasks for independent study.

3) Shymanovich, I. E. Chemistry.

Textbook on the course "Chemistry" is intended for students, who is going to study general, inorganic and organic chemistry. "Includes the main sections of the course, presented as a programmed syllabus with an indication of the literature needed for independent study.

4) Logvin, V. A. Fundamentals of Engineering Education.

The textbook reveals the evolutionary development and formation of engineering, technical science, in particular the technology of mechanical engineering. The stages of engineering and mechanical engineering development, types of productions, types of blanks, methods of processing, technological equipment and tools, the accuracy and quality of the surfaces of parts of technical systems are examined.

New books are already waiting for you in the reading room of the library!

Информация подготовлена:
Anna Reut, librarian

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