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26 Aug 2021 г.
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On August 26, cadets of BSAA took part in a comprehensive training exercise of the search and rescue flight support service (SRFSS) at the National Airport "Minsk". During the exercise the actions when the aircraft is in distress were simulated.

The cadets were instructed about their role in advance. They acted as extras: imitated passengers rescued from the aircraft in distress.

When they took their places in the plane, "concert" smoke was released inside and the rescue work began. "Passengers" were evacuated in different ways: the bulk of them were carried by the inflatable ladder and into the waiting bus, the "injured" - on stretchers on the wing and into the ambulance, and the severely "injured passenger" - into the helicopter.

After the event, the staff of SRFSS thanked the extras for their responsible attitude to the task and said that in the future they are waiting for them on the direct exercise, which will be held on September 7 this year.

Информация подготовлена:
Marina Ragilo, specialist of the Department of Educational Work with Youth

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