Russian Belarusian
  • Год качества
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  • Russian Belarusian

06 Sep 2021 г.
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First-year cadets are just beginning to learn their new environment of a hostel life, and it's important to realize now that certain rules make our lives safer.

In addition to following the rules, it is important to have a respectful attitude toward the interests of your roommates and floormates.

For freshmen who have settled in the hostels, a meeting with the administration was organized. Cadets were acquainted with the Rules of internal order in the hostel, safety and fire safety rules, sanitary and hygienic norms and requirements for cleaning in the rooms and common areas, access regime.

Implementation of the Rules of internal order and participation in social life - the key to success.

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Информация подготовлена:
Irina Yakimovich, tutor of the Department of Educational Work with Youth

Форма авторизации