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10 Sep 2021 г.
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The summer months flew by quickly, almost imperceptibly... And now autumn has arrived. It is the right time to start cadet life, solve new tasks and set goals.

But before that - summing up the results of the summer challenge "Book on holiday". There were 192 participants in the event. Most often readers turned to the book "The Alchemist" by P. Coelho, in second place - "Lord of the Flies" by W. Golding, in third place - "Chicken broth for the soul. 101 Stories of Happiness" by J. Canfield. 

Thanks to the challenge, the cadets were exposed from a new side as readers with diverse literary preferences. Want to note the activity of our staff and cadets who not only read the book, but left their feedback.

And, in keeping with an established tradition, the library invites you to join the new interactive game, "What is the Autumn..." And the exhibition "Help the Freshman" will help cadets to adapt smoothly to their studies.

Let the study gives a lot of interesting discoveries and necessary knowledge, and library of BSAA will always be glad to help in it.

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Информация подготовлена:
Yulia Zenova, librarian

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