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15 Sep 2021 г.
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On September 15, 2021, a flashmob was organized in Minsk timed to National Unity Day.

The event included loud dance music and exciting dances, which attracted the attention of many students from various institutions of higher education in Minsk, including the cadets of Belarusian State Academy of Aviation.

On the first floor of the shopping center "Stolitsa" was presented a folk song band - a model internal troops orchestra of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The guys were happy to perform the set program and enticed young people with sonorous and strong voices, as well as well-choreographed choreography.

Freshmen of the Faculty of civil aviation wished to participate in the program to celebrate the first National Unity Day in the history of Belarus. Young people took part with interest and desire. We asked the most active cadet, Malakhova Marina (gr. Б121), about her impressions of the event:

- For me National Unity Day is a special holiday that unites all generations of our country. You can have fun together and take part in exciting performances, interesting competitions and sporting events. I really liked today's performance of the band members. I believe that such patriotic events should be held more often, because it is a lot of fun, they bring a lot of joy to school everyday life.

Информация подготовлена:
Margarita Yakovleva, correspondent of the newspaper

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