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  • Russian Belarusian

01 Oct 2021 г.
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Within the framework of the project "Career advice, adaptation, self-realization" in September training sessions with elements of art-therapy "Adaptation" were held for the first-year cadets of the Department of secondary specialized education.

The participants of the events were the cadets of the groups 211, 214, 215, they were conducted by the teacher-psychologist of the Department of Educational Work with Youth Larisa Sazonova.

The aim of the training was to unite the participants of the group in order to solve their problems together, to develop the ability to express sympathy and respect to each other.

The participants took an active part in the activities. To get to know each other better, they were offered games and exercises on acquaintance and group building.

At the end of the training, cadets actively discussed the portrait of the group, which they drew together, and expressed their wish to meet again.

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Информация подготовлена:
Larisa Sazonova, teacher-psychologist of the Department of Educational Work with Youth

Форма авторизации