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  • Russian Belarusian

01 Oct 2021 г.
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In September at the faculty of civil aviation a cycle of trainings "Adaptation" was held with participation of the first-year cadets of study groups У121, Б121, Л121, Р121, П121, M121.

The aim of these trainings was group cohesion. The participants actively participated; they were offered games and exercises for getting to know each other, to find out what they are similar and to find their friends on the interests.

The cadets actively participated in the "Collective Storytelling" exercise which helped further group unity and the "Tangled Chains" exercise to overcome stiffness and tension.

In the final part of the training the participants drew a self-portrait and with the help of this exercise learned about each other's tastes and interests. Also, participants were offered a relaxation exercise to achieve a state of calm and relaxation.

At the end, the cadets noted the high level of organization of the event and expressed a desire to meet again.

Информация подготовлена:
Larisa Sazonova, teacher-psychologist of the Department of Educational Work with Youth

Форма авторизации