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14 Oct 2021 г.
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Mother's Day is a holiday that can't leave anyone indifferent. Mom is the main person in our life and nobody can replace her. On this bright holiday we want to share words of love and tenderness to our mothers.

That's why on the 14th of October the Cadet Council together with tutors organized events devoted to Mother's Day. In the hostel № 1 everyone could present warm words to the most beloved person, continuing the words on a poster "Mom is...". So who is mom? What does this word mean to the cadets?  It is life, it is love, it is a miracle, it is a gift - such heartfelt words the cadets wrote on the poster. Certainly, guys hurried up to congratulate their moms personally - underlining in the telephone congratulations how much they love and appreciate them.

On the same day in the hostel № 2 was held an action "My most-most...". Cadets from different groups wrote the warmest and fondest words about their dear mothers. Also freshmen Konstantin Kruk and Vladislav Ashkin performed a touching song "Mother".

Мама твое сердце нежно открывает,
Мама твою душу светом озаряет,
Мама твою жизнь любовью наполняет,
Мама за тебя всегда переживает.

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Department of Educational Work with Youth

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