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Деловой визит декана совместного факультета БГАА-ТТУ
Business visit of the Dean of the joint faculty of BSAA-TTU
On August 27, Tohir S. Majidov, Dean of the joint faculty of BSAA and Tajik Technical University named after academician M.S. Osimi (TTU) visited the Academy of aviation
Участие в тренировке комплексного учения службы поискового и аварийно-спасательного обеспечения полетов
Summer is fun and rewarding!
On August 26, cadets of BSAA took part in a comprehensive training exercise of the search and rescue flight support service (SRFSS) at the National Airport "Minsk".
Поздравляем курсантов
Congratulations to the cadets who received a discount on their tuition
On August 25, 2021 in Belarusian State Academy of Aviation held a meeting of the commission on the provision of discounts on the cost of education to cadets.
Новые пособия в библиотеке
New textbooks in the library
On the threshold of the new academic year the library of BSAA enlarged its fund with new books.
Курсанты совместного факультета БГАА-ТТУ
Welcome to Belarus!
From sunny Tajikistan, on August 23, the airplane delivered to Belarus new cadets of joint faculty BSAA-TTU.
Встреча о подготовке специалистов в формате «2+2»
Meeting about training specialists in "2+2" format
On August,18 a working online meeting of the Academy management with Vice-Rector for International Cooperation of Tashkent State Transport University (TSTU) Baxodir Xatamovich Turayev was held.
Букидс. Професии
Introducing the children to the profession of a pilot
Choosing a profession is a difficult and responsible step in everyone's life. Especially it’s important to pay attention to career guidance from an early age, so the Academy of aviation was not left out of the big festival "Bukids. Professions."
Новый номер журнала «Авиационный вестник»
A new issue of the magazine “Aviatsionnyi Vestnik”
A new issue of the scientific-practical magazine "Aviatsionnyi Vestnik" was published – a unique edition for the Republic of Belarus, reflecting the latest achievements, innovations and research of aviation.
Академию авиации посетила делегация резидентов Китайско-Белорусского индустриального парка «Великий камень»
A delegation of residents of the China–Belarus Great Stone Industrial Park visited the Academy of Aviation
On July 28, 2021 the delegation of the residents of the China–Belarus Great Stone Industrial Park LLC "China-Belarus High-tech Aerospace Research and Development Center" (hereinafter - CASC) visited the Academy of Aviation.
Республиканский семинар по коммерциализации результатов научной и научно-технической деятельности
The Republican seminar on commercialization of the results of scientific and scientific-technical activity
On June 21, 2021 the Republican seminar on commercialization of the results of scientific and scientific-technical activity was held. It was organized by the State Committee on Science and Technologies of Belarus (SCST) and the State Institution "Belarusian Institute of System Analysis and Information Support of the Scientific and Technical Sphere (SI "BelISA").
В академии начался приём документов для поступления!
At the Academy has started the process of accepting documents for admission!
On July 20, 2021, Belarusian State Academy of Aviation began its admission campaign. This means that those applicants, who have made their choice in favor of BSAA, submit documents to become cadets in the future.
Курсанты БГАА приняли участие в международном проекте «Летний университет – 2021» (г. Казань)
Cadets of BSAA took part in the international project "Summer University - 2021" (Kazan)
Cadets from Belarusian State Academy of Aviation visited Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev (KNRTU – KAI) within the framework of “Summer University-2021” program.
«Летний университет»
Cadets of BSAA took part in the international project "Summer University - 2021" (Moscow)
"Summer University" is a large-scale project of the Union State. The leading universities of the Russian Federation taught students of the Republic of Belarus within additional educational programs
Вступительные испытания для пилотов
Entrance examinations for pilots
For admission to the new specialty of the first level of higher education 1-37 04 04 "Flight Maintenance of Civil Aviation Aircraft" applicants must pass a professional selection and entrance examinations to determine the level of physical preparation.
StartUp Sprint 2021
StartUp Sprint 2021
StartUp Sprint 2021 is an experience exchange meeting for venture capital market participants from the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation, networking and practical cases!
Встреча в онлайн-формате
Two higher educational establishments of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation that train personnel for the aviation industry signed a cooperation agreement
On July 7, 2021 was held a signing of the cooperation agreement between the educational establishment "Belarusian State Academy of Aviation". (Minsk, Republic of Belarus) and the Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Higher Education "Rybinsk State Aviation Technical University named after P.A. Solovyov " (Rybinsk, Russian Federation).
Делегация Ташкентского государственного транспортного университета
Cooperation with TSTU has begun
Delegation of Tashkent State Transport University (hereinafter - TSTU) on July 6 visited Belarusian State Academy of Aviation. During the visit, guests got acquainted with the structure of BSAA. At the working meeting the ways of mutually beneficial cooperation in the scientific and educational spheres have been defined.
Студенческий отряд «Механик» имени Героя Советского Союза А.К. Антоненко
A beginning of working summer!
"Realize" the working tickets the cadets of Belarusian State Academy of Aviation could already on July 5 when the "Working summer - 2021" officially started.
Завершён приём документов на II ступень высшего образования
Admission of documents for the second level of higher education was finished
On July 5, 2021 the admission of documents for the second level of higher education at Belarusian State Academy of Aviation was finished.
Выступление на День Независимости Республики Беларусь
Performance on Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus
Upbringing a worthy citizen of society, a patriot of their country is an important task of every educational establishment.
РУП «Национальный аэропорт Минск»
Campaign in honor of the Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus
On July 2, 2021 in the RUE "National Airport Minsk" in honor of the Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus was held industry-wide event attended by employees of leading airline companies of the country and cadets of Belarusian State Academy of Aviation.
Выпуск курсантов – 2021!
Graduating of cadets - 2021!
On June 30, 2021, a significant event was held at Belarusian State Academy of Aviation - the graduation of newly graduated aviation specialists. The event was held at Minsk DOSAAF flying club named after twice Hero of the Soviet Union Sergey Gricevets.
Екатерина Соколова и Виктор Борисеев
The traditional Republican Graduation Ball
On June 29, Minsk hosted the traditional Republican Graduation Ball of higher educational establishments. Talented young people from all the regions of Belarus take part in the Ball; they have high results in academic, scientific, social, cultural and sports activities.
Профессиональный отбор абитуриентов
Professional selection of applicants
Belarusian State Academy of Aviation is actively preparing for the admission campaign for the first stage of higher education.
Воинское захоронение № 5840 на Чижовском кладбище
Our memory
On June 24th, in the Year of National Unity and within the framework of the Week of Youth volunteers of BSAA Angelina Shkudun, Veronika Krivosheya, Denis Krachkovsky and tutor of the Department of educational work with youth Irina S. Yakimovich took part in putting in order the military burial №5840 (mass grave) at Chizhovskoye cemetery. They laid flowers on the tomb where 47 Soviet citizens, brutally tortured by fascist invaders, are buried.
Квест-игра «Отрыв»
Quest-game "Breakaway"
On June 23, 2021, in the Week of the youth, a quest-game "Breakaway" was held on the territory of the Academy of aviation. Its motto was the phrase: "Gather the knowledge in bits and pieces”.
День всенародной памяти жертв Великой Отечественной войны
Commemorative events, conjunction with the 80th anniversary of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War
On June 22 a mournful date is celebrated in Belarus - Day of National Remembrance of Victims of the Great Patriotic War.
Летняя экзаменационная сессия
Summer exam session
The session is an exciting period, a kind of test, a test of strength
Торжественное открытие спортивного комплекса БГАА
Holiday of Sports and Health in BSAA!
On June 21, in Belarusian State Academy of Aviation the opening ceremony of sports complex after its global reconstruction was held.
Aircraft for future pilots was received
On June 18 at Minsk Aero-club of DOSAAF a ceremonial reception of a new training aircraft took place that will be used by BSAA cadets who are training at the specialty "Flying maintenance of civil aviation aircraft".
Тепловой пункт
Major repairs in the hostel № 2
In the building of BSAA hostel № 2 major repairs with the modernization of the heating unit and hot water supply equipment is taking place.
Начались государственные квалификационные экзамены!
The state qualification exams have begun!
On June 15, 2021 the State Qualification Commission started its work at the Department of Secondary-Specialized Education of the Academy.
Сборная команда курсантов 3-го курса факультета гражданской авиации и военного факультета БГАА заняла призовое третье место
The prize-winning place in the competition of civil defense sanitation units
On May 14, 2021 on the basis of the educational institution "Gymnasium № 14 of Minsk" held a competition among sanitarian teams and sanitary units of economic entities of Zavodskoy district of Minsk.
Неделя авиационного кино
First of all... aviation cinema!
From June 7 to June 11 the Aviation Film Week was held at Belarusian State Academy of Aviation. All week long cadets could come after their lectures to watch movies and have a great time in the company of their friends and groupmates.
Челлендж «Книга на отдыхе»
Let's read together this summer!
From June 9 to June 30, the library is carried out the "Book on Vacation" Challenge. The Book Challenge lies in the fact that a participant makes a promise to read a book at random over the summer.
Проректор по воспитательной работе Игорь Георгиевич Яцкевич
Participation in the conference of Press-Center of Press House
On June 10, 2021 Belarusian State Academy of Aviation took part in the press conference of Press-Center of Press House, where the organization of the centralized testing and enrollment campaign in Belarus was discussed.

Форма авторизации