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День матери в общежитиях академии
Mother's Day at the Academy's hostels
Mother's Day is a holiday that can't leave anyone indifferent. Mom is the main person in our life and nobody can replace her. On this bright holiday we want to share words of love and tenderness to our mothers.
На благо милого города
For the good of the nice city
On October 9, 2021 the cadets of the study group У121 of the Faculty of Civil Aviation and the study group 214 of the Department of secondary-s
Дни культуры Таджикистана в Беларуси
Days of Tajik Culture in Belarus
From 5 till 11 October the Days of Tajik Culture are taking place in the Republic of Belarus. Within the framework of it on October 7 foreign cadets of BSAA attended a thematic event in Belarusian State Philharmonic Society, where a gala concert of masters of arts of Tajikistan was held.
Мы заботимся об экологии!
We care about the environment!
In order to attract the attention of young people to the current environmental situation in the Republic of Belarus, the Republican environmental event on garbage collection "We care" was held.
Завершился цикл тренингов «Адаптация»
The training cycle "Adaptation" was completed
In September at the faculty of civil aviation a cycle of trainings "Adaptation" was held with participation of the first-year cadets of study groups У121, Б121, Л121, Р121, П121, M121.
Узнаем друг друга лучше
Cadets get to know each other better!
Within the framework of the project "Career advice, adaptation, self-realization" in September training sessions with elements of art-therapy "Adaptation" were held for the first-year cadets of the Department of secondary specialized education.
Выбираем жизнь
Choosing Life
Within the framework of the month in Belarusian State Academy of Aviation curatorial hours on the prevention of suicidal behavior were held.
Лекция на тему «Система управления гражданской авиацией»
Specifics of managerial activity - visible manner
On the 24th of September 2021 in BSAA was held a lecture by the Director of the Department of Aviation of the Republic of Belarus Artem Igorevich Sikorsky on the subject "The civil aviation management system".
Встреча курсантов с представителями УВД администрации Московского района г. Минска
About the danger of drugs - from the lips of the law enforcement officers
On September 22, 2021 a meeting took place between the first year cadets of the Department of secondary-specialized education and representatives of city administration of the Department of Internal Affairs of Maskovskiy district of Minsk: Deputy Chief of Inspectorate for Minors' Affairs of the Department of Internal Affairs of Maskovskiy district, Lieutenant Colonel Igor S. Kovalenya and Head of the Department of Drug Control and Prevention of Human Trafficking, Major of police Alexander S. Kopp.
Открытый диалог с председателем Мингорисполкома
Open dialogue with the Chairman of Minsk City Executive Committee
On September 22, 2021 the Chairman of the Minsk City Executive Committee Vladimir Kukharev, Head of the Administration of Zavodskoy district of Minsk Sergey Maslyak and Head of the Department of ideology, culture and youth affairs of Minsk Zavodskoy district of Minsk Tatyana Meleshko visited Belarusian State Academy of Aviation.
21 сентября – Международный день мира
21 September – The International Day of Peace
21 September is traditionally the International Day of Peace. This holiday is a reminder to people all over the world about reconciliation, mutual understanding, respect for human rights and freedom of choice.
Болеем за лучших на баскетболе!
Cheering for the best in basketball!
On September 20, cadets of Belarusian State Academy of Aviation took part in the program of the I Youth Festival, dedicated to the International Day of University Sport.
Встреча курсантов со старшим оперуполномоченным отделения по наркоконтролю и противодействию торговле людьми УВД администрации Заводского района г. Минска
Let's say no to drugs!
On September 20, 2021 within the framework of the project "Legal Security" a meeting with the 1st year cadets of the Faculty of Civil Aviation and Senior Operative Officer of the Department of Drug Control and Prevention of Human Trafficking of the Department of Internal Affairs of Zavodskoy district of Minsk Senior Lieutenant of Police Egor Ashurkevich was held.
Мир в семье – согласие в стране
Peace in the family is harmony in the country
On September 20, 2021 in Belarusian State Academy of Aviation within the framework of the project "Family values in the modern world" and the events devoted to the Day of National Unity, the teacher-psychologist of the Department of Educational Work with Youth Olga Kozlova organized for cadets a talk on family and gender education.
Курсанты на плоггинг-забеге
Cadets went on a plogging run
The unusual, but traditional, run was held in Zavodskoy district of Minsk on September 17, 2021 in the Park of Culture and Rest of the 50th anniversary of the Great October Revolution.
Единый день информирования. Сентябрь
A Single Informing Day. September
A Single Informing Day on the topic “SEPTEMBER 17 – NATIONAL UNITY DAY” is carried out in the Academy in September 2021.
Видеоконференция по минимизации рисков распространения коронавирусной инфекции
Video conference on minimizing the risks of spread of coronavirus infection
On the 16th of September 2021 the employees of the structural subdivisions of the educational establishment "Belarusian State Academy of Aviation" took part in the video conference of the republican level, which was organized by the Republican Institute of Higher Education together with the state institution "Hygiene and Epidemiology Center of Octyabrsky district of Minsk".
Идёт набор в аспирантуру
Postgraduate enrollment is coming up
Educational Establishment "Belarusian State Academy of Aviation" provides training of highly qualified scientific personnel for postgraduate training on specialization 05.22.14 - Maintenance of air transport (technical sciences).
Экскурсии по любимой столице
Excursions to the beloved capital
On the eve of the National Unity Day cadets of Belarusian State Academy of Aviation together with the tutors of the Department of Educational Work with Youth went on a little trip around Minsk to get acquainted with the sights of the city.
Флешмоб ко Дню народного единства
Flashmob for the Day of National Unity
On September 15, 2021, a flash mob was organized in Minsk timed to National Unity Day.
Жизнеутверждающее мероприятие
A life-affirming event
Within the framework of Suicide Prevention Month at the Academy of aviation is held suicide prevention events. One of them was held on September 14, 2021. Teacher-psychologist Larisa Sazonova held a life-affirming talk with the 1st year cadets of the Faculty of Civil Aviation and the Department of Secondary-Specialized Education.
Приглашаем в литературный кружок!
We invite you to the Literary Club!
Do you like to read? Do you enjoy discussing what you've read? Looking for new experiences and want to have a good time? Then come and join us!
Всемирный день предотвращения самоубийств
World Suicide Prevention Day
Every year on 10 September, World Suicide Prevention Day is celebrated.
Что такое осень?..
What is the Autumn...?
Let the study gives a lot of interesting discoveries and necessary knowledge, and library of BSAA will always be glad to help in it.
«Не сокращайте свою и чужую жизнь!»
"Don't shorten your life and the life of others!"
On September 10, 2021 within the framework of the Single National Day of Safety in Belarusian State Academy of Aviation in the assembly hall of the main educational building met with the first deputy chief of the Zavodskoy Regional Emergency Service of Minsk, Lieutenant Colonel of Internal Service Gennady Vatslavovich Shukeloyt.
Рабочая встреча с представителями службы бортпроводников ОАО «Авиакомпания «Белавиа»
Working meeting with representatives of Belavia Airlines flight attendant service
On September 7, 2021 in Belarusian State Academy of Aviation a working meeting with the representatives of the flight attendant service on the improvement of training of specialists of Belavia Airlines in the Institute of Professional Development and Retraining was held.
Семинар для кураторов старших курсов
Seminar for senior course curators
On September 7 there was a seminar for senior course curators, organized by the Department of educational work with youth.
Правила делают нашу жизнь безопасней
The first meeting for freshmen is the most important
First-year cadets are just beginning to learn their new environment of a hostel life, and it's important to realize now that certain rules make our lives safer.
Знакомство с первокурсниками
Meet the freshmen
On September 1st the Department of Educational Work with Youth organized special events for freshmen in the hostels № 1 and № 2.
Поздравляем преподавателей с Днём знаний
Congratulate teachers on Knowledge Day
An asset of PO “BRSM” congratulated the academy's teaching staff on the Knowledge Day
Инструктивно-методическое совещание на ОССО
An instructional - methodical meeting at the DSSE
On August 31, 2021 on the Department of secondary-specialized education an instructional-methodical meeting on the organization and planning of the educational process in the academic year 2020/2021 in establishments of secondary-specialized education was held.
Активное трудовое лето!
An active summer of hard work!
Having successfully completed the semester, many cadets are leaving for their well-deserved rest. But there are also those who decide to take part in the events of the third labor term - to become a soldier of the student team! After all, this is an opportunity to get not only extra income, but also professional experience, work experience in the team - which will certainly be helpful in the future work activities.
Завершилась кампания по заселению в общежития
My Home is a Hostel
A move-in campaign has come to an end in the Academy of aviation.
Молоды, активны, амбициозны…
Young, active, ambitious...
On August 31 rector of the Academy Artem A. Shegidevich met with young specialists and their assigned mentors and department heads.
Курсанты академии из Республики Таджикистан
"Vytoki" - an introduction to the next steps
From August 27 to 28, 2021 the final stage of the cultural and sports festival "Vytoki. Krok da Alimpu". Continuing their acquaintance with Minsk and the traditions of the Republic of Belarus, the guys from the Republic of Tajikistan, who have recently arrived in our Academy, did not ignore this event.
Деловой визит декана совместного факультета БГАА-ТТУ
Business visit of the Dean of the joint faculty of BSAA-TTU
On August 27, Tohir S. Majidov, Dean of the joint faculty of BSAA and Tajik Technical University named after academician M.S. Osimi (TTU) visited the Academy of aviation

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