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Институт повышения квалификации и переподготовки

Институт повышения квалификации и переподготовки (далее – Институт) реализует образовательные программы первоначальной подготовки, переподготовки и повышения квалификации всех категорий авиационного персонала гражданской авиации.

Образовательные программы подготовки, переподготовки и повышения квалификации, реализуемые в Институте, одобрены Департаментом по авиации Министерства транспорта и коммуникаций Республики Беларусь и соответствуют квалификационных требованиям, предъявляемым к авиационному персоналу, а также требованиям международных стандартов, инструктивных материалов ИКАО (Международной организации гражданской авиации), новейшим достижениям в области авиационной безопасности. 

В настоящее время Институт является единственным учреждением образования, обеспечивающим языковую подготовку авиаперсонала.

Регулярно проводятся мероприятия по изучению потребности заказчиков кадров в подготовке авиационных специалистов, по итогам которых составляется План реализации образовательных программ профессиональной подготовки авиационного персонала.

Заключены договоры об оказании образовательных услуг по подготовке авиационных специалистов на платной основе в порядке взаимодействия с организациями-заказчиками.

С целью контроля качества обучения специалистов Заказчика на постоянной основе проводятся аудиты Института как внешнего поставщика образовательных услуг.

Тестирующая система PELTA® предназначена для проведения тестирования членов летного экипажа (пилоты, бортрадисты, штурмана), диспетчеров УВД и курсантов Академии авиации на определение уровня владения английским языком по Шкале ИКАО. 

Тест PELTA ® разработан с учётом требований ИКАО, предъявляемых к языковому тестированию и изложенных в Руководстве по внедрению требований ИКАО к владению языком (Doc 9835) и Циркуляре  ИКАО 318 «Критерии языкового тестирования для глобального согласования». 

Тест PELTA ® ориентирован на стандарты и рекомендуемые практики ИКАО в отношении владения языком, используемым в радиотелефонной связи (Приложение 1 «Выдача свидетельств авиационному персоналу» к Чикагской Конвенции). 

Тест позволяет определить уровень владения английским языком по Шкале ИКАО вне зависимости от родного языка кандидата, места, времени и формы обучения. 

По результатам тестирования выдается сертификат об уровне владения общим и авиационным английским языком по Шкале ИКАО на английском языке.

Здесь Вы можете ознакомиться с требованиями, предъявляемыми к кандидату форматом и демо-версией теста:


This is Belarusian Proficiency English language test for aviation staff conducted on _____ at Belarusian State Academy of aviation.

The candidate is _______and the examiner is ____________ .

Good morning/ afternoon / evening.

My name is _________ . Can you give me your full name, please.

Can you tell me where you are from?

Can I see your identification, please.

Thank you.

There are four parts to this test. In the first I’ll ask you some questions about you and your job. In the second part you’ll watch the video and comment on what was happening. In the third part you’ll listen to the pilot’s messages. Firstly you’ll tell me the situation, then you will give your reply to this situation. And in the final part we’ll discuss an aviation-related topic.

If you do not understand my instructions, please tell me. OK?

PART 1 (AN INTERVIEW) – 4/5 min.

Now in this first part, I’d like to ask you some questions about yourself:

  1. Could you tell me about your job?
  2. Why did you choose this profession?
  3. What are the main pluses and minuses of being an ATC?
  4. What personal qualities, skills and abilities are necessary for your job?
  5. Is knowledge of English important in your profession?

Thank you. Now we’ll move on to part two.


Now you are going to watch a video and then comment on what was happening in the video. You can watch only once. Then you have 10 seconds to start speaking. OK?

Thank you. Now we’ll move on to part three.


Now in the third part your task is to listen to the pilot’s messages. Firstly you’ll tell me the situation, then you will give your reply to this situation. If you need to hear a message again, please ask. OK?

1) Lot 7 2 5. We are expecting 30 minute delay. Checked-in passenger hasn’t arrived on board.

2) Pan. Pan. Pan. Speed bird 9 6 5. Bird strike just after take-off. We have lost right engine thrust. Request priority landing.

3) Scandinavian 6 5 6. Asymmetric flaps extension. Request clearance to return to apron and maintenance assistance. 

4) Alitatian 2 3 9. Unable to climb assigned level due turbulence. Request to maintain flight level 3 1 0 as long as possible.

5) Speed bird 5 8 2. We have several sick passengers on board with symptoms of food poisoning. Request medical assistance upon arrival. 

6) K L M 3 5. Unable to retract landing gear. Request holding pattern for fuel burn. Will land at your aerodrome. Could you organize a dense foam carpet for landing? 

7) Lufthansa 0 6 5 1. Runway overrun due thrust reverser failure. Injured passengers on board are getting first aid now. Request shuttle buses and tug for towing. 

8) D H L 1 5 8. We have strange indefinite sound in the cabin. Breaking sound… Like an electronic devise. We cannot find the source of this signal. We suspect explosive device on board.

Thank you. We’ll now move on to part four.


Now I’d like to discuss some questions related to the topic 


  1. What role does weather play in aviation safety?
  2. What weather is good for flying?
  3. How do ATCs and pilots receive weather information?
  4. What elements are included into weather reports?
  5. What phase of flight does especially depend on weather?
  6. What weather conditions affect flight operations on route?

Thank you very much. That is the end of the test.


This is Belarusian Proficiency English language test for aviation staff conducted on _____ at Belarusian State Academy of aviation.

The candidate is _______and the examiner is ____________ .

Good morning/ afternoon / evening.

My name is _________ . Can you give me your full name, please.

Can you tell me where you are from?

Can I see your identification, please.

Thank you.

There are four parts to this test. In the first I’ll ask you some questions about you and your future job. In the second part you’ll watch the video and comment on what was happening. In the third part you’ll listen to the pilot’s messages. Firstly you’ll tell me the situation, then you will give your reply to this situation. And in the final part we’ll discuss an aviation-related topic.

If you do not understand my instructions, please tell me. OK?

PART 1 (AN INTERVIEW) – 4/5 min.

Now in this first part, I’d like to ask you some questions about yourself:

  1. Could you tell me about your future job?
  2. Why did you choose this profession?
  3. What are the main pluses and minuses of being an ATC?
  4. What personal qualities, skills and abilities are necessary for your job?
  5. Is knowledge of English important in your profession?

Thank you. Now we’ll move on to part two.


Now you are going to watch a video and then comment on what was happening in the video. You can watch only once. Then you have 10 seconds to start speaking. OK?

Thank you. Now we’ll move on to part three.


Now in the third part your task is to listen to the pilot’s messages. Firstly you’ll tell me the situation, then you will give your reply to this situation. If you need to hear a message again, please ask. OK? 

1) We suspect fuel consumption system failure. Request clearance to return to base.

2) Passing FIR at FL 410. Two engines are cut off. The type of my aircraft is Boeing 747. And I will be able to continue to my destination. But request to arrange a lower level.

3) Heavy smoke of unknown origin in the cockpit. Passengers are distressed. Request priority for landing.

4) Unable to climb FL 310 due to weight restrictions. Request to maintain current altitude.

5) We have a passenger with appendicitis on board. Request landing at your airport, RW dimensions, its elevation and PCN.

6) Is any information about traffic ahead of us available? It seems we are gaining on Airbus 300.

7) We have avoided build-ups and now back on track. May we continue climb?

8) We are performing an ambulance flight. A quick descent will be highly appreciated. 

Thank you. We’ll now move on to part four.


Now I’d like to discuss some questions related to the topic


  1. What role does weather play in aviation safety?
  2. What weather is good for flying?
  3. How do ATCs and pilots receive weather information?
  4. What elements are included into weather reports?
  5. What phase of flight does especially depend on weather?
  6. What weather conditions affect flight operations on route?

Thank you very much. That is the end of the test.


This is Belarusian Proficiency English language test for aviation staff conducted on _____ at Belarusian State Academy of aviation.

The candidate is _______and the examiner is ____________ .

Good morning/ afternoon / evening.

My name is _________ . Can you give me your full name, please.

Can you tell me where you are from?

Can I see your identification, please.

Thank you.

There are four parts to this test. In the first I’ll ask you some questions about you and your job. In the second part you’ll watch the video and comment on what was happening. In the third part you’ll listen to the controller’s instructions and acknowledge them and in the final part we’ll discuss an aviation-related topic.

If you do not understand my instructions, please tell me. OK?

PART 1 (AN INTERVIEW) – 4/5 min.

Now in this first part, I’d like to ask you some questions about yourself:

  1. Could you tell me about your job?
  2. Why did you choose this profession?
  3. What are the main pluses and minuses of being a pilot?
  4. What personal qualities, skills and abilities are necessary for your job?
  5. Is knowledge of English important in your profession?

Thank you. Now we’ll move on to part two.


Now you are going to watch a video and then comment on what was happening in the video. You can watch only once. Then you have 10 seconds to start speaking. OK?

Thank you. Now we’ll move on to part three.


Now in the third part your task is to listen to the controller’s instructions and acknowledge them. If you need to hear a message again, please ask. OK?

1) You are an offender. Penetration 4 miles. Set heading 145 to leave the prohibited area as soon as possible.

2) You need to get down here before 22.00.our noise abatement regulations are extremely strict. Can you arrange it?

 3) Do not use exit B4. It is a dead lock. Alternative B7.

4) You have traffic 10 o’clock at the same level. We are not working this traffic. Turn right 20 degrees for spacing.

 5) Roger your message about an air rage on board. Is the cockpit secure?

6) Turn right, heading 130. Final approach. Report runway in sight.

 7) Approved taxi via taxiway D. backtrack and line up RW 07.

 8) Cleared to return back on track. Enter controlled airspace 5 miles North East of DM at current level.

 9) I didn’t understand you, please clarify why you are requesting priority.

Thank you. We’ll now move on to part four.


Now I’d like to discuss some questions related to the topic 


  1. What role does weather play in aviation safety?
  2. What weather is good for flying?
  3. How do pilots receive weather information?
  4. What elements are included into weather reports?
  5. What phase of flight does especially depend on weather?
  6. What weather conditions affect flight operations on route?

Thank you very much. That is the end of the test.

On-the-Job Training for Academy Staff Преподаватели цикловых комиссий отделения среднего специального образования БГАА прошли стажировку на авиационно-технической базе ОАО «Авиакомпания «Белавиа». Полученные опыт и материалы будут использованы в образовательном процессе при проведении практических занятий, учебных практик на отделении среднего специального образования, а также при разработке учебно-программной документации.
On-the-Job Training for Academy Staff Институтом повышения квалификации и переподготовки БГАА была организована стажировка заведующего кафедры организации движения и обеспечения безопасности на воздушном транспорте ФГА на Республиканском унитарном предприятии по аэронавигационному обслуживанию воздушного движения «БЕЛАЭРОНАВИГАЦИЯ»
On-the-Job Training for Academy Staff Институтом повышения квалификации и переподготовки БГАА была организована стажировка для профессорско-преподавательского состава кафедры технической эксплуатации авиационного и радиоэлектронного оборудования ФГА на унитарном предприятии «407 Техникс».
Рабочие стажировки на авиационных предприятиях Профессорско-преподавательский состав и сотрудники БГАА посетили Авиационный учебный центр «Даймонд» и Летную школу Крылья.
Safety and Emergency Procedure Training (SEPT) Стажировка на базе УП «РубиСтар» по аварийно-спасательной подготовке членов экипажей грузовых воздушных судов по аварийным процедурам и использованию аварийно-спасательного оборудования на суше и воде.
Алгоритм действий при пожаре и других нештатных ситуациях – изучен С ноября 2021 года в институте повышения квалификации и переподготовки (далее – ИПКиП) БГАА проводится обучение по образовательным программам стажировки руководящих работников и специалистов.
Is English compulsory for cabin crew? 26 и 28 октября 2021 года сотрудниками института повышения квалификации и переподготовки БГАА проводилось собеседование для определения уровня владения английским языком с соискателями на должность бортпроводник в ОАО «Авиакомпания «Белавиа».

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